Wednesday, July 1, 2015

One hot sunny day a man named Jason was cleaning his dairy farm with his family, when all of a sudden they were interrupted by a loud bang.
"What was that?" asked Jamie.
"I don't know" said dad.
"Do you think we should go and check it out?" said billy.
" No" shouted Mum,  "don't be silly and don't go and have a look."

After they finished arguing they carried on working.
A little while later it was getting dark so they packed up while mum did a nice dinner.
By the time they finished the dinner was ready to eat.When they were finished eating billy and Jamie went to bed.
In the middle of the night Billy put on some warm clothes and snuck out of the house .  He grabbed his torch that was hanging up outside on the house and went  down the path way and into the woods and found a volcano from where the explosion came from.
He ran back home and in the morning Billy told his family about it but no one belived him. Then..........kaboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom !
Heaps of massive rocks started shooting around them.
They got in their van and then they drove to the city.
Some of the cars blew up but they managed to make it safely to the city.
Lucky they had enough money to buy a house. 

   Image result for human torch vs ghost rider

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